
The Lead Consultant and his team for the Research on Cybersecurity for Development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (CD4IR) wish to acknowledge the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and its Director of Technology, Climate Change & Natural Resource Management Division (TCND) and the Chief of Section, Technology and Innovation for their interest and commitment to this Research.

We acknowledge the World Bank Open Data Platform for the GDP and some Internet Penetration Data used in this work; the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for their Global Cybersecurity Index data; the Telecom/ICT Regulators of Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Republic of Congo, Benin, Uganda, Sierra-Leone, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Qatar for the uptodate ICT industry statistics available on their websites; the Internetworldstats, Datareportal for their GDP and Internet Penetration statistics referenced for the research data validation exercises and Statista for their publicly available data on cyber-attacks and the associated financial losses.

We also use this opportunity to acknowledge all the support staff on this research project and their families for their understanding as special time was dedicated to this important Research.