Outcome of Data Analysis

Data were validated through rigorous review for quality and consistency and also via pairwise comparison with data from other sources. For example, GDP data from 2011 to 2020 were sourced and validated on the World Bank Open Data Platform (WBODP) and pairwise checked with data from Data Reportal. Data on Internet Penetration (IP) was sourced from the regulators’ website and therein validated. In certain instances where data was not available on regulators’ website, data from Data Reportal was used.

Data Analysis

Data obtained were analyzed with the aim to establish a significant correlation between select national GDP and Internet Penetration and Cybersecurity. The Pearson Correlation coefficient of GDP data and those of the Internet Penetration and Cybersecurity were computed. The percentage of correlated and non-correlated national data was also computed.

Detailed analysis showed that: 

A. In Africa: 
1. A 10% increase in Internet Penetration yields per capita average growth of 
between US$31 and $256 being 1% and 8.2% of the per capita GDP for the sample space of 40 countries. When the sample space is the top 15 countries, it is between 4.8% and 7.4%. The nation with the highest 10% increase in Internet Penetration yield is Seychelles with US$1,632 per capita while the nation with the lowest yield is Equatorial Guinea with US$(4,230) per capita. 

2. A 10% increase in Cybersecurity maturity yields per capita average growth of between US$20 and $169 being 0.66% and 5.4% of the per capita GDP for the sample space of 40 countries. When the sample space is the top 15 countries, it is between 3.36% and 5.18%. The nation with the highest 10% increase Cybersecurity maturity yield is Seychelles with US$653 per capita while the nation with the lowest yield is Equatorial Guinea with US$(2,115) per capita. 

3. Internet Penetration correlates with GDP @ 0.32 (32%). A positive correlation for which 68% (27 countries) have positive Internet Penetration correlation with GDP. 

4. Cybersecurity maturity correlates with GDP @ 0.3 (30%). A weak positive 
correlation for which 63% (25 countries) have positive Cybersecurity maturity 

correlation with GDP. 

5. Cybersecurity correlates with IP @ 0.66 (66%). A strong correlation for which 93% (37) of countries have positive Cybersecurity correlation with IP. 

B. In Latin America: 

6. A 10% increase in Internet Penetration yields per capita average growth of 
between US$447 and $754 being 3% and 5.1% of the per capita GDP. The nation with the highest 10% increase in Internet Penetration yield is Saint Kitts and Nevis with US$1,463 per capita while the nation with the lowest yield is Brazil with US$(1,340) per capita. 
7. A 10% increase in Cybersecurity maturity yields per capita average growth of between US$268 and $452 being 1.8% and 3% of the per capita GDP. The nation with the highest 10% increase in Cybersecurity maturity yield is Antigua and Barbuda with US$1,135 per capita while the nation with the lowest yield is The Bahamas with US$(-1,258) per capita. 

8. Internet Penetration correlates with GDP @ 0.30 (30%). A weak positive 
correlation for which 47% (7 countries) have positive Internet Penetration correlation with GDP. 

9. Cybersecurity maturity correlates with GDP @ 0.3 (30%). A weak positive 
correlation for which 36% (5) have positive Cybersecurity maturity correlation with GDP. 

10. Cybersecurity correlates with IP @ 0.6 (60%). A strong correlation for which 71% of countries have positive Cybersecurity correlation with IP. 

C. In Asia/Middle-East: 

11. A 10% increase in Internet Penetration yields per capita average growth of 
between US$1,898.15 and $4,149.20 being 5.5% and 12% of the per capita GDP. The nation with the highest 10% increase in Internet Penetration yield is Israel with US$11,786 per capita while the nation with the lowest yield is Japan with US$(7,357) per capita. 

12.A 10% increase in Cybersecurity maturity yields per capita average growth of between US$1,518.52 and $3,319.36 being 4.5% and 9.8% of the per capita GDP. The nation with the highest 10% increase in Cybersecurity maturity yield is Israel with US$10,607 per capita while the nation with the lowest yield is Japan with US$(4,414) per capita. 

13. Internet Penetration correlates with GDP @ 0.25 (25%). A weak positive 
correlation for which 60% (9 countries) have positive Internet Penetration correlation with GDP. 

14. Cybersecurity maturity correlates with GDP @ 0.4 (40%). A weak positive 
correlation for which 64% (9) have positive Cybersecurity maturity correlation with GDP. 

15. Cybersecurity correlates with IP @ 1.0 (100%). A strong correlation for which 100% of countries have positive Cybersecurity correlation with IP. 
When the data for Africa was computed with the top 15 countries with the highest IP to match the sample population for Latin America and Asia/Middle-East, the result showed a slight increase in per capita income to US$363 from US$256 for 10% increase in IP. However, this is still far short of per capita income of US$754 and US$4,149 in Latin America and Asia/Middle-East respectively. 

Note: Positive correlation is measured on a 0.1 to 1.0 scale. Weak positive correlation would be in the range of 0.1 to 0.3, moderate positive correlation from 0.3 to 0.5, and strong positive correlation from 0.5 to 1.0. The stronger the positive correlation, the more likely the subject data are to move in the same direction.

GDP/IP/CS Correlation / CS Maturity Index Table 1


Sample Population


Correlation  of IP to GDP (%)


Correlation  of CS to GDP (%)


CS correlation  with IP (%)


10% increase in IP produces average per capita GDP (USD) of -



10% increase in IP produce s     average per capita GDP (USD) of

---- +ve

Correlati on countries


10% increase in IP produces %

per capita increase

(low % - high %)

(G) - (H)

10% increase in CS produces


per capita increase (low % - high %) (DxG) - (DxH)

CS Maturity    Index (%)








1.0 - 8.2

0.66 - 5.4


Latin- America







3 - 5.1

1.8 - 3


Asia/Middle- East







5.5 - 12

4.5 - 9.8



GDP/IP/CS Correlation Graph 1


GDP/IP/CS Correlation Table









Sample Populatio n





Correlation of IP to GDP (%) (B)



Correlation of CS to GDP (%)





correlatio n with IP (%) (D)


increase in IP produces average per capita GDP (USD) of ----

+ve Correlation countries



increase in IP

produces % per capita increase (low % - high %)

(F) - (G)


increase in CS

produces % per capita increase (low % - high %) (DxF) - (DxG)







4.8 - 7.4

3.36 - 5.18







3 - 5.1

1.8 - 3







5.5 - 12

4.5 - 9.8


 GDP/IP/CS Correlation Graph 2


Data from Table 1 above revealed a strong Cybersecurity correlation with Internet Penetration indicating that CS is a measure of Internet technology, its acceptability by the people and its positive impact on their income. Considered on the same population sample of 15 countries each in Africa, Latin America and Asia/ME, a 10% increase in Cybersecurity maturity delivered per capita GDP increases between 3.36% & 5.18% for Africa, 1.8% to 3% for Latin America and 4.5% to 9.8% for Asia/ME provided that
there is continuum in relevant governance policies of a given country such that there is no political and economic instability leading to policy somersault, capita flight and loss of confidence in the economy.